Wednesday, May 9, 2012


good night blogger ! 
disaat-saat seperti ini.
saat PraUlum sedang melanda.
gua malah nulis blog.
kurang keren apa coba gua?
gua mo curhat sedikit yah, kadang gua gatau kudu curhat kemana.
makanya gua milih buat nyurhatin semuanya ke blog gua.

gua. sedikit. merasa. tolol.
gua memang aneh, bisa-bisanya dulu gua ngeceng mantan kecengan gua yang waktu itu dikeceng sama sahabat gua sendiri.
nah bingung kan lu?~
oke. gini deh, gua jelaskan dengan kalimat yang lebih panjang dan dapat dimengerti.
gua dulu pernah ngeceng seseorang, anggep aja A. tapi gua berenti karena gua tau kalo dia suka sama temen gua sendiri, anggep aja B. setelah sekian lama sahabat gua si C suka sama si A. waktu C suka sama A gua suka sama D ko !
gua bener-bener ga nyangka kalo gua bakal suka lagi sama si A. geez.
A bilang dia juga kadang-kadang suka sama gua, bego tu cowo.
bukan maksud gua buat jadi cewe gampangan. tapi memang waktu itu gua lagi ada masalah sama D dan berantem. seakan-akan si A ngisi kekosongan gua tuh.
eh ga di sangka.. si A ngasih gua harapan penuh.
oh em gee, gua galau.
yauda, karena gua juga saat itu bener-bener butuh sosok si A. gua deket lah sama si A. katakan aja HTS. hahaha. ternyata si D yang gua sangka dia lugu and gengsian kalo mencangkup tentang cinta. dia bilang dia jeles sama A & gua. bayangin woy banyangin.
gua kudu gimana. pertama, gua ngehianatin sahabat gua sendiri woy. kedua, ternyata orang yang gua kejar-kejar terus tinggalin suka sama gua juga woy. kenapa sih lu telat banget ngomongnya ==
gua akhirnya mutusin buat nyembunyiin semua ini dari sahabat gua, C.
gua tau gua salah gua ga jujur sama C. tapi waktu itu gua terlalu takut.
gua takut kalo nantinya gua sama C malah jadi musuhan.

sampai akhirnya si C tau akhir-akhir in ikalo gua pernah HTS sama A. sorry, gua bukan maksud buat nyakitin lu C. gua juga gamau. gua sayang sama lu. lu sahabat gua yang baikkkkk banget. gua tau gua salah n udah ngecewain lu. maaf and makasih udah mau jadi superwoman gua. lu udah mau maafin gua atas kesalahan gua yang fatal. thanks C.

SI-S-CA forever :*

deepest love,

Friday, March 30, 2012

a whole new story

HELO dearest bloggers !
finally! i can write again..
to be honest, I'm bored writing my stories in english.
I'm an Indonesian not American, or British. please..

yauda, ngomong indo aja ya, jadi kalian-kalian gausah buka google translate.
cukup. sebenernya gua ga ada inspirasi mo ngomong apa ini.
tapi yaudalaya, mumpung lagi sendiri.
ga ada kerjaan, malem-malem, sendiri gua =_= miris men
gua cerita aja gimana?

kan gua pernah galau yah, gagara ditinggal sama si itu tuh,
cucunguk sialan. hahahah
tapi gua udah bisa lupain dia loh sekarang.
meskipun rasanya ada yang canggung diantara kita setiap liat di mana aja.
bayangin, gua dulu dari buka mata sampe tutup mata lagi tu orang smsin gua mulu.
gua ngerasa gua ada salah sama dia.
gua udah gitu ditinggalin orang yang gua sayang.
tapi apa daya lah, gua bisa apa.
tapi yaudalaya,
ngapain gua mikirin dia, kalo dia ga mikirin gua juga?
doa aja gua, yang terbaik buat kalian berduaaaaaa.
semoga bisa menjalani hidup yang lebih layak,
tanpa gua woy. TANPA GUA.

oiye, lu pada tau ga rasanya jatuh cinta?
kadang sakit beud, kadang seneng juga.
kebetulan sekali yah, kisah gua sekarang ga pake acara galau.
gua udah nemu lagi men.
someone's better, at least.
gua ketemu diaa..
di hari pertama gua menjalani hari-hari basket gua. 10.09.2011~
waktu itu, temen gua, ga sebut nama deh yah,
padahal kalo gua tulis nama temen ini yah, terkenal dah B)
kembali ke topik, si orang bengek ini ngelempar ua pake bola basket ke gua, kenceng :)
waktu itu gua belum kenal banget sama cwo ini..
gua cuma tau dia mantan temen gua yang lainnya.
waktu temen gua lempar itu bola, dia bilang kalo ngelukain cewe tuh ga gentle.
selesai latihan, keringetan.
lapeur gua, gua makan gehu deh,
demi bulu ketek barack obama, pedes sangat.
jadi gua beli minum, iseng aja gua beli fanta,
udah tau perut gua gatahan minum soda.
alhasil, kekelebekan perut gua.
sakit perut men.
dia yang ngajak chat gua pertama kali
dia tuhhh..
seorang yang baik, yang bisa ngertiin gua,
bahkan di hari pertama kita chatting, topiknya sakit perut gua.
kalo lu nyesel temenan sama gua, salahin gehu sama fanta rei !
meskipun lebih muda 3 hari dari pada gua..
dia lebih tinggi dan yaa.. badannya lebih besar lah. secara dia cowo.
kulitnya putih, lebih putih dari pada gua beud. miris~
rambutnya agak ikal, unyu ! wahahah.
dan meskipun dia lebih muda, 3 hari dari pada gua juga, dia dengan teramat sangat. gua katakan dewasa.
dia jago basket loh, muahaha.
setau gua sih udah memulai karir basketnya sejak lama.
abis jago sih, taun ini, udah ke Bali men.
biasanya dia nomer 8. kalo di sekolah 9. kalo ga salah~
tapi sekarang dia nomer 4, JABAR.
dan seorang cowo misterius ini namanya Rainier Nathaniel.

gua memang beruntung rei, beruntung banget kenal sama lu.
lu memang bukan cowo yang sempurna,
kadang dia berubah jadi agak galak kalo marahin gua makan,
abis emang ga lapeur gimana abang.
tapi itu bentuk kepedulian elu kan? gua tau :p #geer
lu bener" cowo pertama yang bikin gua nyaman ada di deket lu.
lu tuh.. gimana yah,
selalu memperlakukan gua selayaknya gua tuh orang yang spesial.
lu gapernah ngerendahin gua,
tapi lu selalu dukung gua dalam situasi apapun :)
gua suka setiap kali lu memperlakukan gua kaya anak kecil,
contoh, rambut gua di acak-acak, diperhatiin, dan lain-lain.
nah yang gua lebih suka lagi,
lu tuh mo ada tementemen lu mo ga ada tementemen lu,
tetap memperlakukan gua kaya gitu.
dulu, lu yang ngajarin gua move on.
lu bilang, kalo suka sama orang ya diperjuangin,
pasti dapet, kaya lu bilang ke gua, lu selalu usahain cewe yang lu sayang.
alhasil gua perhatiin, dapet yah. tapi lu beda rei,
lu punya semuanya. siapa sih yang gamau sama lu.
cewe bego.
lu suruh gua move on dari itu bebeugik sawah,
tapi kenapa gua move on nya ke elu. -_-

gua ga ngerti gimana kedepannya. hahahah
life goes on anyway~

If my life is consider a my life-book,
I'm not writing a whole new novel and burn the old one,
I'm just making another chapter in the same book, and learn from my past.

best love,
Fransisca Setiawan

Friday, September 30, 2011

bestfriend :'D

hey guys,
its been a while since the last time i posted things in my blog.
i've been so busy with he school tasks,
and i always thought that 8 grade would be just the same as 7 grade.
was i right? HELL NO ._.
besides, i lost a thousand things. (':
yea, its hard to believe that now, i lost my bestfriend, dearest bestfriend.
he used to be my closest friend in the world,
he thought me many things.
he thought me to be a good kid,
he always calmed me down,
he told me to always be strong in every situation.
he never let me down,
he always tried to raise me up,
then wiped my tears,
that's why..
i trusted him. SO MUCH.
he knew everything, every single thing that i did,
everything that i liked.
just then, something happened between us,
that made this friendship ended just in one second.
hmm. hard to be remembered :'D but hey, I'm stronger just as he told me to!
that day, the day on which he pushed me to the corner of loneliness,
i fell down and cried.
i could feel my tears fell down of my eyes,
i felt like i have no one to share my problems,
no one will offer me their shoulder to be cried on,
i felt like i didnt deserved anybody (:
i'll tell you something, it is HARD to lose someone you love the most.
but as time went by, i met new friends,
even though they cant replace his position of hero in my life,
but still, they change my world slowly.
i do believe that.
so thank you guys so much for your help.
you guys hold my hands tight and lead me to move on to my own way,
and for my dearest best brotherfriend.
i miss you, hell much. :'D
even though i know, now im no one for you, and im just your EXBESTFRIEND.
thankyou for everything that you have thought me, thank you that you have made me stronger.
it means everything to me, and and everything we've been through before,
i wanted you to know, that now it means so much more :'D
i wonder if you know, there's a thousand story that i want to tell you.
but i thank God that i could find 'good' in GOODbye.

with love,
fransisca setiawan

Sunday, May 15, 2011

last day at ASS :((

this was the last day at ASS. so sad -____- our buddies kept on reminding us to not to go anywhere first. yea, we studied as usual inside the class room. and then the teachers let us to but food in the canteen, so we bought some, and we have a nice time in the canteen. the condition was quite crowded but it was okay. we still can enjoy our time together with our buddies :) before going to the canteen, we have a sweet moment of leaving :( they bought us souvenirs and gave it to us. i don't know why but suddenly my tears fell down and i just couldn't stop them. and then i directly hug my bestie, i said a thousands of thank you and good bye. but she says, "nonono, no goodbyes yet, it's not the end of the day anyway :)" then we spent our time together after that we joined the art class. the teacher was kind and nice, and she explained things well. after that we were taken to the big hall and we watched some kinda talent show there. they are good at doing it actually. at it was the time where the real goodbye was. when the bell rang, they took us to the closed place and can you guess what they did? they danced for us :( owwwww, so sweet 

the video wasn't too good, cause i didn't concentrate more about the videoing thing. i prefer to watch it lively. and the song wasn't too loud too cause it just came from Elena's cellphone. after the farewell we all hugged each other and said the real goodbye :) it was the best memory EVERafter the school was over we took some pictures, and then we were leaving for suntec city and took a walk around it. then we sat in the restaurant and ate our dinner :)

such a wonderful day

with love,

second and third day at ASS

this was the second day and i woke up late. i was so sure that i had turned the alarm on, but then i didn't wake up. -_____- i realized the alarm had rung but i have turned that off and went back to sleep. michelle was the only one who could wake up. the teachers found out about it, they screamed at us and we didn't realize, in fact we still can pull our blankets. we just didn't realize, i just knew that i was late when ma'am Liani was yelling what time it was. she told us that it was 6 in the morning. i jumped out of the bed then i took a quick shower. and then we ran to the lobby, cause i thought that everyone was already waiting but they weren't actually. and then we ate our breakfast and went directly to the school. and then we joined the flag ceremony as usual and then we studied at the school, the lessons were the same so far. the most exiting thing is that we were taken to the science lab where we actually do the experiments. after the school was over, as the day before we went to the library ate the lunch and went to the MRT station and went to Bugis. i just didn't get it, why were the boys always arrived earlier that we did. when we arrived there, everybody was already waiting, some of them were going home so early and stayed at the hotel and the rest stayed at Bugis. i stayed at Bugis cause i got things to buy. then after got what my friends and i needed. we gathered and went back home. nothing much happened this day, but still unforgettable :)

vina and i :)

this is the third day of our study. yea, this day went quite well. the school started not too early in the morning. cause the flag ceremony wasn't held in the morning. and the greatest thing was this day we had P.E lesson. so after joining the flag ceremony we went to the restroom and changed. we all are asked to bring our cellphone and wallet. i thought we were able to use it during the lesson. but we weren't we were asked to bring them cause the school can't guarantee that no one can go inside the room. so just for incase there were something unwanted happened. when we arrived there the teacher pulled out a big empty bag that used to keep our belongings. and we were separated into groups and then we played volley ball. i could do it quite well, although there was a student that was quite expert too. it was fun when we were doing the battle the P.E teacher named Jessica asked me questions about how was our school, etc. she asked me about ma'am Lovanka also. she told me that she was sent to Indonesia for doing the student scholarship testing. so i guess she knew quite a lot. and she asked me to pass out her 'hi' to ma'am Lovan, she hoped that ma'am Lovan still remember her. after the P.E lesson was over, we went back to the restroom and then change. when the school was over we didn't go anywhere. we just straightly went home and we went to the beach and then Gaby, Tamara, and I spent the time for swimming. and then we went to the Downtown East for dinner. we also took some pictures of us there.
this is us ((:

with love,

fisrt day Anderson Secondary School

in Monday till Thursday we spent the half of our day at school. at the first day of school everything went well, in the morning we woke up and gathered exactly on time, and we directly took our own breakfast. the food wasn't that good, it was tasteless  so i didn't finish them all. after eating we all went to our own bus, the 8th graders and the 7th graders girls students went to ASS an the rest were going to ACS (Anglo Chinese School). we took a long time of journey cause the school wasn't near to our hotel. we took about 45-50 minutes. when we arrived the vice principal invited us to go inside the library. the library was nice, and we waited quite long until we were asked to go downstairs and join the flag ceremony. it was nice except for the 'staring' things. hey they were staring at us as we were aliens. but i acted normally.
after it was over, we went to the auditorium and the principal told us the classes we belonged to. after that we were taken to the spots all over the school by pur guiders, Preethiqa, Brenda, and Shu Qing. they were nice, and when we finished it all, we went back to the library and talked about our school and theirs. and we also took some pictures. after waiting a while, some students from different classes picked us up and then took us to our new classes. Amanda, Vina, and I went to class 1-5 everyday. they were nice, my buddy's friend named Felice, Vina's Caroline, and Amanda's Elena. we only joined severals lessons and we went back to the library.
after eating we went to the MRT station by walking and went to Orchard, Vina, Michelle, Gaby and I walked from Orchard to Summer set to find Apple store, in fact we didn't have a right destination besides Vina needed to find something. first we couldn't find the store so we asked everybody that passed through using Apple whether it was iPhone or iPod. we kinda practiced our english too as well. finally we found it, and we went back to Takashimaya and Darren picked us up and took us to Starbucks, we played cards then tried to find dinner, and went back to Lucky Plaza where Sir Erick and Ray were waiting. after everybody was completed, we went back to the hotel and took a rest.
in one of orchard's restroom

at the school's library

with love,

move on

yeaa, gotta move on, still got a lot of works to do, and the NICEST worst thing is i haven't done this blog assignment and i haven't studied yet -____- how could i finish it in the same time.
the school will hold the Quarter Test TOMORROW !

on Monday there would be Literature and History.
then we have a holiday on Tuesday.
on Wednesday there would be Science and ICT.
on Thursday there would be Indonesian and Religion.
on Friday there would be ENGLISH and Geography.
last of the list,
on Saturday there would be Mathematics and Mandarin :)



with love,
Fransisca Setiawan